Rizky Febriandi

Tax Consultant


Prior to joining Mustoffa Hasan & Partners in 2022, Rizky Febriandi already had experience as a Tax Consultant for 9 (nine) years in the Tax Consulting industry. Providing services in the form of Tax Consultation & Tax Administration in various sectors such as trade, services, mining, plantations, and fisheries, both National & Multinational companies.

Febriandi, among others, provides services related to tax consultation and tax administration, including:
Providing services namely Tax Consultation, Tax Administration & Tax Dispute Resolution (Tax Audit, Tax Appeal & Judicial Review) to clients.
Assisting clients in effectively managing their tax obligations in a proactive and responsible manner.
Assisting clients reduce inefficiencies, reduce risk, and increase opportunities in their tax function.
Assisting clients to assess, improve and monitor the process, control, and manage the risk of their tax function, as well as maintain effective relationships with tax authorities.
Monitor and manage the process of calculating, paying, filing, and charging for all types of taxes.
Febriandi has also had experience in terms of tax disputes such as Tax audits, Tax appeals & Judicial reviews.

Bachelor of Accounting, Mercu Buana University

Competencies and skills:
Tax Consultant Certification
Brevet AB and E-SPT monthly and yearly
Analysis of financial statements.